11 02, 2017 Op-ed: Tribes worked patiently for Bears Ears Monument, and it should endure Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T20:26:13-06:00February 11th, 2017|External Links, In the News, Op-eds| The Deseret News
5 02, 2017 Op-ed: Bears Ears National Monument is our shared future, and it’s time to get to work Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T20:26:31-06:00February 5th, 2017|External Links, In the News, Op-eds, Statements (Including Testimony)| The Deseret News
26 01, 2017 Letter to Interior Secretary Nominee Ryan Zinke Kyle Renninger2018-11-08T23:26:05-06:00January 26th, 2017|Letters, Media Resources, PDF| Letter requesting he meet with Tribes when he visits Utah