19 07, 2016 Letter: We stand with the tribes on Bears Ears monument Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T20:06:04-06:00July 19th, 2016|External Links, In the News, Op-eds| Salt Lake Tribune
17 07, 2016 Should Utah’s ‘Bears Ears’ become a national monument? Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T20:06:19-06:00July 17th, 2016|External Links, In the News, Regional and National News| Christian Science Monitor
17 07, 2016 Protection for Bears Ears Acknowledged as Common Goal of Utahns: 1,500 Attend Obama Administration Public Hearing in Bluff, Utah Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T20:06:31-06:00July 17th, 2016|External Links, In the News, News From Indigenous Sources| Native News Online