16 07, 2016 Editorial: Public Lands Initiative is too little, too late Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T20:06:49-06:00July 16th, 2016|External Links, In the News, Op-eds| Salt Lake Tribune
15 07, 2016 Op-ed: With monument proposal, tribes open door to new way of seeing public lands (Terry Tempest Williams) Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T20:07:23-06:00July 15th, 2016|External Links, In the News, Op-eds| Salt Lake Tribune
14 07, 2016 Push to Create Utah Monument Marks Latest Western Land Fight Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T20:07:41-06:00July 14th, 2016|External Links, In the News, Regional and National News| New York Times (AP)