16 06, 2016 Letter: Bears Ears is the path toward healing Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T19:54:33-06:00June 16th, 2016|External Links, In the News, Op-eds| Navajo Times
15 06, 2016 More than 700 Archaeologists Urge Obama to Protect Bears Ears Cultural Landscape Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T19:54:48-06:00June 15th, 2016|External Links, In the News, Regional and National News| Popular Archaeology
13 06, 2016 RadioWest: The Debate over Bears Ears Kyle Renninger2018-12-18T19:55:08-06:00June 13th, 2016|External Links, In the News, Miscellaneous| RadioWest, KUER