Updates from the Five Tribes

10 12, 2016

Traditional Knowledge and Bears Ears

2022-03-09T15:20:42-06:00December 10th, 2016|Updates from the Five Tribes|

Imagine for a moment, a beloved garden, where your grandma’s heirloom seeds are planted in old foundations that carry her memory, where the soil you have nurtured sustains your family, whose birds rely on your presence, where art adorns the fences. This a garden that you have tended for generations, learning more and more with every passing season until the knowledge of that place and the care for that place are inseparable from your being...

22 09, 2016

Chairman Bishop’s Public Lands Initiative an Affront to Tribal Sovereignty

2018-11-16T16:07:01-06:00September 22nd, 2016|Press Releases, Updates from the Five Tribes|

Today’s House markup of H.R 5780, Representative Rob Bishop’s (R, UT) Utah Public Lands Initiative (PLI) represents yet another chapter in the long and sordid history of this disastrous bill. While the addition of a Bears Ears Commission that would elevate tribal voices is a positive change, the foundation and framework remain problematic in innumerable ways...

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